Atlas of Functional Neuroanatomy, Second Edition
Product Details
»Book Publisher: CRC (31 October, 2005)
»ISBN: 084933084X
»Book author: Walter Hendelman
»Amazon Rating:
Book Description:
Atlas of Functional Neuroanatomy presents a clear visual guide to understanding the human central nervous system. This second edition includes numerous four-color illustrations, photographs, diagrams, radiographs, and histological material throughout the text. Organized and easy to follow, the book presents an overview of the CNS, sensory, and motor systems, and the limbic system, with new and revised material. It also features an updated, interactive CD-ROM with full text, color illustrations, 3-D visualization, roll-over labeling, and flash animations. Containing a glossary of terms, this is an essential reference tool for medical and allied health professionals studying neuroanatomy, neuroscience, and neurology.
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